Therapeutic Recreation programs are specially designed for
children, teens and adults with special needs. It mainly focuses on promoting
physical fitness, increasing community involvement and developing social
skills. The UUM students are a grassroots community
organization dedicated to improving the health, therapeutic educational
attainment, human welfare, and opportunities for the residents of “Sunshine
Cottage Welfare Society. Its aim is to provide the programmers and activities
that can enhance the ability of disabled people mentally and physically.
and foremost our group would like to thank Mr. Edwin our recreation lecture.
This is because our lecture tends to give us opportunity to prepare this
Programming assignment for the Recreation subject. The topics involved in this
assignment have helped us in understanding more on “Therapeutic Recreation of
Sunshine Cottage Welfare Society” which we planned to conduct the programmed in
the Uum Sport Centre. By doing this assignment it enhances our knowledge to
complete our assignment perfectly. Without our lectures teaching bay and
guidance from our lecture, we agree that we won’t be able to complete this
project on the particular time.We enjoyed collecting information, do the
research of the place and gained extra knowledge about “UUM Sport Centre”.
than that, we also learned about challenges and the motivation of the disable
people when do certain activities. Besides, we also would like to thank our
team members for sharing their experiences during their personal experience and
ideas in order to help to get further details, information and ideas in order
to complete this proposal. We also hope that the proposal that created by us
would satisfy our lecture.
Thank You.
We planned to conduct the therapeutic
recreation which is mainly for the disabled people in the “Sunshine Cottage
Welfare Society”. The reason we choose this home because it’s quite near to the
Uum Sports Center who is people with disabilities. Other than that, it is easy
to access with the various transportation modes.
Regardless of the
specifics of a particular disabling condition, first and foremost, when we talk
about disability, we are talking about people who happen to have disability/disabilities.
Beyond that, it becomes somewhat more difficult because we are talking about a
wide range of people who have a wide range of conditions that may cause
functional limitations with varying degrees of severity and impact in many
different areas of life. There is often confusion over such terms as
disability, handicap, and impairment. They are used interchangeably yet they
can imply very different things. In 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO)
published a definition of disability titled the International Classification of
Impairments, Disabilities, and Handicaps (ICIDH). Hollander et al. (1989)
described the 1980 classification system as a linear process that starts with
an impairment that leads to a disability that may in turn lead to a handicap.
The three terms are defined as follows:
1) Impairment: any loss or abnormality of
psychological, physiological, or anatomical structure or
function, which might
result from a disease, accident, genetic or other environmental agents
for instance deficit in intellectual functioning.
2) Disability: any restriction or lack of ability to perform an
activity in the manner or the range considered normal for a human being such as
slowness in learning developmental skills, for example talking at the usual time,
walking at the usual time.
3) Handicap: a disadvantage for a given individual that limits
or prevents the fulfillment of a role that is normal (depending on age, sex,
and social and cultural factors) for that individual for example parents speak
for her, parents carry her around even when she begins to be able to walk, does
not play with other children her age.
designing the program for this disable people it is quite interesting because
the motivation for those participated in this program sure will be back for
another program again. We are choosing disable student particularly in this
University itself because most of them as we can see does not involve actively
in any recreation program even they were invited so that we expect that they
don’t want to join it perhaps because that kind of program is including the
entire of student. Then, this proposal is specifically designed for disability
people who unable to stand then we think that they should have a right to
experience on this program. Sport Centre is seem the most suitable place for
implementing this program because there have many facilities besides the location
of this venue is seems strategic where it is near to the main road even can be
accessed until the main building of Sport Centre. This program probably will be
one of the programs that included as the first choice for disable student in
other to make their student life more valuable. Hopefully, they will be enjoy
and happy besides tend to be more motivated even though there are lack of skill
in term of sense such other people have.
1) To
enhance the talents of disable people
2) To
motivate and improve the disable people creativity.
3) To
motivate the disable people to do more challenging activity.
4) To
keep the disable people to be healthy through their mind and body.
5) To
make the disable people to be enjoy and out of stress.
The actual target of this program is UUM
student however once it is successful implemented it will be opened to disable
people who come from “Sunshine Cottage Welfare Society”. There are many
benefits of this program to disable people where it can change the perception
of society about their confidence level. Before this, probably their friend
even family will never take care about them because they can’t do anything.
However, once the joint the program perhaps they can be more comfy and tend to
be active then previously so that this certainly will make them more convinced
to do anything rather than just study at their room. Keep healthy also the main
aim in term of advantage they get from this program. Today, a lot of chronic
ailment such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Diabetes
Melitus, Hypertension (High Blood Pressure), Lipid disorders (e.g. high blood
cholesterol) and Stroke was faced by the teenager. Therefore, by joining the
program also they might prevent all these kind of disease in other to keep
healthy as well because our body need to rest in other to have a better IQ.
This program also let them to be more socialized. They can know who their
disable friends which they never know besides other UUM student. They may share
their experience, to know each other so that they will never fell alone anymore
and sure they will more enthusiastic to do everything.
UUM Sport Centre being the best
selection for the program because there are many facilities provided there for
the activities such as swimming pool, gymnasium, stadium arena, badminton and
squash court and so on. These facilities will be used for them especially for
tennis game because they probably have to play by using their wheel chair so
that it seems a little bit challenging to them whereas they never play such
game. Therefore, hopefully they can use fully facilities being provided in that
Sport Center as their leisure and recreation activities for other day after the
program has been successfully implemented.
Program Implementation
program for the disable people is planned to conduct on the 24 May 2015 at
“Uum Sports Center”. The program is planned to conduct on this particular
date because it falls on weekends and it will be easy for the arrival of the
Disable people to the Uum Sports Center. The Disable people can come and
participate in the program with pleasant mind and comfort situation. This is
program will tend to makes the disable people from their daily stress and it
also will gives them opportunity to show their hidden talent by participate in
the activities that include in this program.
participating in the activities the disable people also tend to tend to feel
more motivated and enjoyed themselves in the new environment. The disable
people will feel more supported and encouraged by the community. This program is conduct in the Uum Sports Center because it provides lot of facilities that convenience
for the participants. For example, there are lot of activities that can do in
the Uum Sports Center such as swimming, playing squash, badminton, lady’s gym,
men’s gym, Sauna, running track and others. The facilities that provided in the
Uum Sports fulfilled the needs and wants of the participants. Other than that,
the facilities that provide also will provide the satisfaction of the
Furthermore, University Utara
Malaysia is the only place that provided lot of facilities for the participants
that come to the Uum Sports Center. The Uum Sports Center is also provides the
outdoor and indoor sports activities. The recreational activity in Uum Sports
Centre would make the participants that to lead a healthy life in terms of
physically and mentally. The participants of the programmed would be feel more
relaxed and hassle free. The disable people will be feeling more contented to
do activities in the Uum Sports Centre because there is also instructor for
each of the activity. The instructor could be more patient and friendly guide
the participants of the Uum Sports Centre. By this the participants (disable
people) would be encouraged and motivated to do the activities in the sports center. In the Uum Sports Centre there also safety
box and the safety equipment or material that needed if in case there is an
The main
participation in this program will be the resident of “Sunshine Cottage Welfare
Society”. This nursery has Personal Care
Assistants (PCA) which their job is to provide assistance and care to
individuals with special needs including developmental disabilities, chronic
health problems or mental health diagnoses. The services that a PCA provides
may enable the individual to remain at home rather than in a group home or
other environment. Their program carefully matches each client with a trained
PCA. Types of assistance provided by a PCA will vary based on individual need,
but may include daily living and health-related task, supervision for health
and safety, behavior redirection/intervention and assistance with participating
in home and community settings. Several agencies in the
Kedah and Perlis are concerned about disable people, but none have a primary
mission of addressing it in “Sunshine Cottage Welfare Society”. UUM will work with the groups listed below to
provide therapeutic educational materials, mobilize residents to participate,
and assess the program's success.
Kedah Health
Clinic (Operated by Northern Health and Hospitals): They will provide the doctors and medical
assistants for physiatrist education on therapeutic and hypertension, and
publicize the initiatives events such as health fair, exercise classes, screenings.
Besides they also will be the person in charge for the participation during the
programmed. They will also provide medical assistants to the participants if
happen any accidents during the programmer. The staff of the selected
organizations will also participate in the planning process, and identify
residents interested in helping develop the program.
Designing and Staging
of the Program
arrival of the disable people from the Sunshine Cottage Welfare Society
of disable people
![]() |
about the activities
![]() |
activities begins
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
time for all the disable people and photograph session
to disable people return back to the Sunshine Cottage Welfare Society
The description about certain

Equipment: Tables that line up together
and a ball (preferably a bright color).
Objective: The objective Table Ball is:
improved hand eye coordination, socialization, attention span, following of
simple directions.
Description: Place tables end to end (enough
to fit about 10 or more people all the way around). Place the ball (we use a
bright red one) in front of one of the participants and tell him/her to roll it
to someone else at the table. Encourage each participant to keep the ball
moving on the table. It should be natural for them. Another trick I've found
for this activity that lessens the agitation of the participants is that using
custom stress balls as the table ball lends an extra tactile element to the game
and this added dimension provides the participants further stress relief, which
is always welcome.

Equipment: the tennis ball and the
racket for the participants
Objective: The disable people will
be feel more motivate and face more challenges.
Description: The disable people
will play the tennis activity with their wheelchair. There will be one
instructor that guides the participants to play the tennis. The instructor is
mainly for help the participants if there any emergency case or any
participants get injured. The facilities that provide such as the tennis ball
and racket are provided for the participants.
(breakfast and lunch)
(breakfast and lunch)
Bus (come and back to from)
Programming is the central focus of the
leisure service profession and the primary mission of leisure service
organizations. Programmers stage opportunities for leisure to occur. Leisure is
a primary social space in modern society for exercising free choice and the
development of self. Leisure occurs through interactions in social occasions that
are characterized by perceived freedom, intrinsic satisfaction, and opportunities
to experience a positive effect. Recreation, games, play, sport, tourism, and
events are all specific forms of leisure with additional defining concepts.
In line of that, by understanding the
disability people it is essential to creating successful recreation program.
Knowledge about their needs can assist us in successfully meeting their
desires. Furthermore, the main focus for this program is to determine it
beneficial for those involved in that program. Overall, the awareness for
physical activity and fitness is at all time high and will increase in the
Besides that, the successful of program
is increase the positive beneficial as well where the society perception tend
to consider these disable people can do something which they never imagined it
before. Through the program also, they gain a solid understanding such as
friendship and socialization while involved aggressively in the program.
Finally, the most important segment in other to make this program to be
continued in the next period is the collaboration between Programmer, committee
and customer (disable people) need to give more attention. This is because it
seem that this kind of program most attracted rather than let them have a
leisure and recreation together with ordinary people whereas that program is
more specifically for them only so that they will feel comfortable because they
think that they have a right to have the program like that as what they are
expect before.
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University Utara Malaysia, Sport Centre (n.d) Retrieved on 11 July 2008, from
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